Help! I want to be a graphic designer

So you want to be a designer?

This is it! If you are a streamer and feel like designing is also part of your blood but you don’t know how to get started because you lack a bit of understanding of the field then no problemo! In my new and improved course of 4 videos a month + a 1 on 1 session with me I will teach you all the basic and advanced skills to learn Graphic Design skills to enhance your streams and your creative journey to the next level!

What does that mean?

In short, this is a course of which each week a new video /topic will be uploaded to the designated website of pixelversity which is part of This course will consist of various information from my field of expertise. This will also be done live via a live session on Zoom if requested. 

What topics are part of this course?

First starting off with the history and beginning of graphic design. Some terms you need to know before we begin and basic lesson into shapes. The second one will expand on shapes and shape tools as well as start with typography and color.

Over the course there will be many many lessons. Diving deep into the nitty gritty of Photoshop and Illustrator as well as Affinity Design and Affinity Photo. Also XD will be spoken about and why and how I use that for my business and how you can use it.

But has your course helped anyone yet? 

Yes. Over the course of time I’ve helped many starting streamers / creators / designers and enhanced their skills by teaching them the how to’s in Design. I did these over Youtube as well as in front of a class teaching kids and adults on how to use the software they had problems with. 

What is your experience level?
I’ve been in the graphic design field  for over 10 years. Beginning it was mainly a side job and now I do this full time.


Each course ends with an assignment that will give you the chance to test your learned skills. 

After you completed the entire course in full you will receive a 30% discount code to use inside the store to buy anything or you can use it on custom designs or my one on one sessions. You decide that. Or you can even give it away to a friend. The choice is yours.

Join me on this journey to make you a graphic designer or a photoshop fan in general The choice of who you want to be is yours. I just bring you the tools.

Anyone can be a designer. Just believe in you.

Choose your plan


$ 39 per month


Full experience
$ 59 Per Month